Friday, February 4, 2011


1) Why was the period at the turn of the 20th century so important?

The period emphasized modernity and the creation and consumption of new things. People were excited about technological process and possibilities in the future. The new way of thinking allowed for an accelerated rate of change and the ideations and development of an incredibly large number of new machinery and mechanisms that have greatly affected the world today.

2) What aspects of the Dada art movemement are important from the point of view of the rise of the computers and digital visual media? (for example Marcel Duchamp's "readymades"?

Dada Artists came forward with a notion of outside thinking. They were a group of somewhat exiles who's ideas were anti-war and often anti-authoritarian. They were interested in the future and modernity which led to a DIY mentality. Their ideas go to the core of digital media because they were sampling culture and the concept of what art was and what makes art, art. Things were left to chance and ideas were tested, often leading to random outcomes which is the basis to digital visual media.

3) Name one aspect that links "The Man with a Movie Camera" with digital media according to Lev Manovich. (Readings B)

Computers link experiences and allow the extension of cultural data to the user. Digital Media, like cinema, allows the user to understand the language without needing to speak it.

4) What was 'constructivism'?

Constructivism was an artistic movement that rejected the idea of art for the sake of art. They preferred art created for social movements and purposes.

5) Read pages VI (6) to XXII (22) of "The Language of New Media" in ReadingsB: What does Lev Manovich suggest are the 'three levels' of "The Man with a Movie Camera"?

1: The story of the cameraman filming material for the film.
2: The shorts of an audience watching the finished film.
3: The film in its entirety.

6) Who first developed the idea of "Cybernetics"?

Norbert Wiener

7) In "Computer Lib" Ted Nelson describes Hypertext as "Non-Sequential” writing (fill in the blank)

8) Why were transistors, even though 100 times smaller than vacuum tubes considered impractical for building computers in the 1960s?

Transistors required the use of solder and wire. So to install or change out they had to solder them into the machine with an incredible amount of wiring. They required too many components to be wired together by hand.

9) What was the name of the first commercial available computer (kit)?

Altair 8800 made by MITS.

10) Write a paragraph: In your own words: What are things going to look like in 20 years from now in the average living room in terms of digital visual media? What types of digital media will your kids be using around 2030?

Future digital visual media will become much more interaction. I could see the next generation in the living room with a touch screen tv watching interactive cartoons where they get to get involved in the sequence of events, allowing what happens next to depend upon their choices and decisions. Almost like the books of the past where we were able to choose between 2 paths and jump to that section within the book, allowing for different outcomes.

Everything will be connected through networking. Computers and televisions will most likely merge into single systems integrating television, phone, computer, all gaming systems (which will mostly likely be much more interactive with easy access to entire virtual lives.

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